Downloading Private Key and Access using SSH 列印

  • SSH Private Key, SSH Access, GP VPS, HP VPS
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To access your HP or GP Virtual Server via an SSH console or Putty, you will need to download the private key from your control panel.

Please follow the instructions below:

1) Login to console and go to service and download private key

Download Private Key

2) Find the file downloaded and change permissions by executing the command below:

chmod 600 private_key_file.rsa

3) Use your ssh console with the command below:

For Ubuntu Servers: ssh -i private_key_file.rsa ubuntu@IP_ADDRESS

For Centos Servers:  ssh -i private_key_file.rsa centos@IP_ADDRESS

For Debian Servers:  ssh -i private_key_file.rsa debian@IP_ADDRESS

For Arch Servers:  ssh -i private_key_file.rsa arch@IP_ADDRESS

3) To use the VNC Console button on your control panel, you will need to set a password for your user. Follow the instructions below:

Inside your ssh terminal, access root buy typing sudo su and then type passwd root to set your root password. After that you can use this user and password to login using your console.


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